PARAFILM (파라필름) -M
Permeability Characteristics:
□ 8226; Oxygen (ASTM 1927-98):
150 cc/m² d at 23°C and 50% RH
□ 8226; Carbon Dioxide (Modulated IR Method):
1200 cc/m² d at 23°C and 0% RH
□ 8226; Water Vapor:
Flat: 1 g/m² d at 38°C and 90% RH
Creased: same as flat
□ 8226; Note: Because of low water permeability and the insensitivity of this material to moisture vapor, it is unlikely that differences in relative humidity (RH) will make a difference in the oxygen permeability
Effects of Common Reagents:
□ 8226; Hydrochloric acid conc. (12N) dil. (5N) - no apparent effect in 24 hours
□ 8226; Sulphuric acid conc. (36N) dil.(5N) - no apparent effect in 24 hours
□ 8226; Nitric acid conc. (16N) dil. (5N) - no apparent effect in 24 hours
□ 8226; Sodium hydroxide conc. (22%) - no apparent effect in 24 hours
□ 8226; Ammonium hydroxide conc. (28% NH3) - no apparent effect in 24 hours
□ 8226; Potassium permanganate:
□ 8211; 5%: no apparent effect except permanent dark brown coloration in 18 hours
□ 8211; 0.1%: same as 5% but slightly less color
Iodine solution 0.1N: no effect except brown staining in 18 hours
□ 8226; Salt (NACL) solution 20%: no apparent effect in 24 hours
□ 8226; Ethyl Alcohol 95%: no apparent effect except some face whitening in 24 hours
□ 8226; Isopropyl alcohol 99%: no apparent effect in 24 hours
□ 8226; Not recommended for use with chorinated, non-polar aliphatic and aromatic solvents
Film becomes soft and sticky at about 130°F to 150°F (68°C)
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